emotional intelligence

5 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is Vital For Trainers In The NHS.

Emotional intelligence is defined by the ability to understand and manage your emotions and the emotions of those around you. This particular quality provides you with a variety of skills like the ability to maintain relationships, influence and inspire others and how to navigate social networks. To become an effective trainer, you need to have …

5 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Is Vital For Trainers In The NHS. Read More »

Why incorporating your Pneuma (Spirit) to your overall health matters?

What is the purpose of the spirit? Why does it matter so much? To have a healthy body we need to exercise and eat healthy foods and to have a better mind we need to exercise the brain, avoid stressful situations, aim for 7-8 hours sleep, have positive thoughts and affirmations. Our spirit though is …

Why incorporating your Pneuma (Spirit) to your overall health matters? Read More »