Elena Eleftheriadou’s ‘From Burnout to Balance: Your 12-Week Journey to Workplace Wellness’ Coaching and Therapy Programme offers a transformative path towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.
No matter what your profession or background is, we all face challenges and struggles in our daily lives. Balancing work and personal life can be tough and you may feel like you are constantly racing against the clock, trying to meet deadlines, manage expectations and maintain relationships. It’s easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed and like you’re spinning your wheels without making any progress.
If left unaddressed, this can result in chronic stress and burnout. Burnout affects your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Mentally you may feel exhausted, detached and unmotivated with difficulty concentrating and remembering tasks.
Physically burnout can cause fatigue, headaches, insomnia, digestive issues and a weakened immune system.
Spiritually it can lead to a loss of purpose, disconnection from values and beliefs and feelings of emptiness. Over time you may also struggle with feelings of guilt or shame which can further exacerbate your mental and physical symptoms.
If you’re experiencing these signs change is not only necessary but possible.

If you’re ready to achieve these transformations and take control of your life, join today and embark on a path to banishing stress and burnout permanently while improving your work/life balance.


Coaching and Therapy Programme on How to: Banish Stress and Burnout at Work Permanently and Improve Work/Life Balance in just 12 weeks.


   Recruitment / Career Progression

How to be an effective Coach/Mentor

Personality and Psychometric Tests

What people say?

Maxillofacial surgeon, North-East England
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“The complex interface between the Healthcare setting and its resources to support mental health issues in its workforce has long been a void needing to be filled. As someone who found counselling, mentoring, NHS coaching services, self-help learning programmes and peer review lacking the deeper understanding of strategies to treat the broad cognitive and neurobiological harm seen in burnout and stress, finding Elena Eleftheriadou through an online seminar series was an epiphany. The combination of healthcare-specific therapy through coaching delivered in a tailored weekly programme of learning, therapy, coaching and reflection filled in all the cracks and somehow rebuilt me more resilient and prepared than ever before. Her professionalism, patience, skill and approach are second to none, and in my opinion, provide a truly priceless resource for all healthcare staff in these difficult times. Therapy is undervalued and yet a much-needed resource for NHS mental health support. I hope that her skills will be shared widely.”
Social Worker / School educator, West Kent
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“I am a social worker and educator specialising in children with special education needs. Elena has done an amazing job explaining stress and burnout from a neurodivergent background and I am keen to work with her in future sessions explaining what burnout really is. Well done Elena!”
GP and CCG Educator, Midlands
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“Elena stepped in the last minute to run a session on severe stress, burnout and sleep management and how to control it to 47 medical attendees. It was insightful and helped us understand it better.”
Musculoskeletal Surgeon, Midlands
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“Great job explaining in a scientific way what stress, depression and burnout is and what causes it. Most trainers ask you to rest more, eat healthy and exercise. Elena delivered a talk on how to alter neuronal pathways in the brain to treat burnout and stress starting from your brain.”
Nurse Practitioner, Surrey
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“Refreshing session on how to overcome burnout and Elena has done a tremendous job explaining how the brain works in simple terms.”
Director, CRO company
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"Elena supported our recruitment team with receiving and reviewing applications, managing interviews and creating a shortlist of candidates for various medical roles. We can’t thank her enough!”
GP ST2, Torbay Hospital
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"Elena’s session on severe stress and burnout was brilliant. I learned about burnout and how to tackle it – I would have liked the webinar to be longer. It was so informative."
Dental Business Owner, Sussex
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“A massive thank you to Elena for training dentists, hygienists and practice managers on managing patients’ behaviour; communication; colour characteristics, building rapport, emotional intelligence, body language and presentation skills. Our practices were able to hire more nurses by increasing their revenue and were more comfortable with delivering presentations to senior staff.”
Company on mental health and resilience, London
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“Elena helped us conduct a survey and carry out a study to find out how organisations evaluate their current use of digital learning; to explore the impact digital learning have on employees’ performance at work and if it influences their behaviours. She identified issues and challenges on digital learning and provided future recommendations for further research. We changed our online learning modules based on findings which helped us create awareness and we increased engagement on social media for mental health.”
Training Manager, CRO, Midlands
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“Elena made me question my own training techniques when she presented communication skills using colours and recognising different personality types based on our values and beliefs. Her training should be delivered everywhere, no exceptions!”
Nurse Practitioner, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
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“Elena co-delivered an 8-day training on Neurolinguistic Programming in Manchester and she completely changed my thought process. She helped me set professional and personal goals and to achieve more from my life. Her training techniques are different to other coaches and she will challenge you in ways you never thought were possible.”
Dentist, West Midlands
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“Elena helped me change jobs from Pharmacist to Dentist. She understood why I needed the career change and she transferred my skills from my existing job to the next. She wrote my CV in a way to suit the company’s profile and I got a job as a trainee dentist. I had been applying for jobs for 2 years with no avail until I met Elena. I highly recommend her.”
Medical Educator, Scotland
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I approached Elena as a last resort when other therapists “failed” to help me. I had to resign from my previous GP practice position for speaking up when a patient was ill-managed. I fell into depression for over a year. Elena helped me spot my distorted thoughts and to not lose focus. Now I successfully secured a job as a medical educator. I really appreciate all her help and support she has given me. A simple thank you is not enough for what she has done for me.”
Clinical Pharmacist, East of England
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Elena had brilliant understanding of the healthcare system and the moral dilemmas and injury long-term bullying and pressure/stress involved when expected to break rules, safety protocols, your personal beliefs, values & ethics. Understanding of how my mind works and explanations for my trauma symptoms presenting. I obtained useful tools to address anxiety, recurrent depression, insomnia, flashbacks and great advice on changing my thought processes and perspective plus the reassurance that I was making progress on a long and complex mental health journey. Thank you!
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Surrey
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Elena, I am so pleased to have met you; your work fascinates me too. I'd like to say that as I result of attending the Neurodivergent Day Awareness event that you and Heike presented, we are now fairly sure that my daughter has ADHD. We are on the journey to a diagnosis. Since I suggested this to my daughter she has been so much happier; she feels understood and it's like half the stress has been taken off her. She still needs lots of help, especially with school, but our relationship is now better than it has been for 3 years and this means so much to me. Thank you for your huge part in this!
Retired teacher, Kent
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I’m 80 years young and just this year I started feeling anxious for the first time ever. It was tough; I used to be always on the go with my wife but suddenly I was worried about every little thing, even simple jobs around the house. It got so bad I couldn’t sleep at night. After 7-8 months with anxiety, my son suggested I see Elena. After just four sessions with her, I felt a whole lot better. She helped me figure out why I was feeling anxious and now I’m back to my old self. I’m enjoying time outside with my wife again and I’m sleeping well at night. I’m so grateful for Elena’s help.
GP, New Jersey, RCGP
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Elena gave a talk at the RCGP’s Clinical Health Inequalities conference about mental health in different communities like ethnic minorities, migrants and LGBTQIA+ communities. She did an amazing job explaining how we can make mental health better for people who face unfair treatment and discrimination. Her presentation was clear, informative and really opened my eyes to important issues. A huge thank you to Elena for sharing her knowledge and ideas!
Cosmetics Entrepreneur, USA
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Our family member, who has been having a hard time lately, has been helped enormously by the amazing therapist we found through a health company. Nothing but positive things to say about how much Elena has helped our family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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