Emotional intelligence is defined by the ability to understand and manage your emotions and the emotions of those around you. This particular quality provides you with a variety of skills like the ability to maintain relationships, influence and inspire others and how to navigate social networks. To become an effective trainer, you need to have a high level of emotional intelligence. Here are some of the most essential reasons why emotional intelligence is vital for you.
Trainers that have high emotional intelligence are more self-aware than everyone else and they can recognise emotions as they happen. What that means is that when someone in your group/class says or acts in a certain way, they have to feel emotionally safe and it is okay to express their emotions even if what they say or the way they act bothers you.
This is an incredibly vital skill if you want to be a great trainer because it can help you obtain a clear understanding of your particular strengths and weaknesses without letting anyone else’s emotions distract you from your purpose. When you have self-awareness, you are better able to perceive emotions as they arise in response to an action or situation.
Emotional Management
Emotional management means that you are able to manage your emotions and stay in control effectively. When you can manage your feelings, you are unlikely to rush into decisions abruptly or let anger take over your behaviour. To be an effective trainer, you have to be able to keep your emotions in check.
Effective Communication
When communication is not effective, trainers are unable to clearly express their thoughts, which is an essential aspect of being a trainer. When you have high emotional intelligence, you can clearly convey directions and know what needs to be said to inspire and motivate others. Communication is an essential skill that all trainers need to have because it can be the deciding factor in whether or not your team listens and takes action.
Social Awareness
Trainers use emotional intelligence to make them more socially aware. This is because they tune into the emotions of others and are able to pick up on what is happening around them effectively. Being socially aware is a critical skill that also helps a trainer being empathetic and sympathetic towards others and provide sound advice when someone needs it. If you are unable to show empathy or sympathy, you will find it challenging to obtain their respect and loyalty and may feel reluctant opening up to you.
Conflict Resolution
In every workplace, there is always a risk of conflict which disrupts the efficiency and productivity from everyone. With high emotional intelligence, you are better equipped to handle disputes and provide resolutions to conflicts. With this skill, you can quickly satisfy any disagreements that might arise between your trainees.
If you want to become a more effective trainer/mentor/coach, then you need to work on improving your emotional intelligence. With a higher emotional intelligence, you can become a more effective leader and develop a more productive work environment.